金喜 / 为什么需要医疗设备?- jinxi / Why Medical Equipment is Necessary?

Why Medical Equipment is Necessary?

In order to achieve the ideal status and meet the standards set by the Government, clinics must fulfill several indicators to provide high-quality healthcare services to patients. 金喜

One crucial indicator is the availability of medical equipment that assists doctors and nurses in conducting medical examinations, procedures such as medication administration, blood transfusions, or surgeries, and supports preventive healthcare measures by detecting health issues early.金喜 


When we visit a clinic for medical treatment, we often encounter various medical tools available in the facility. These medical tools are utilized by doctors and nurses to support their activities in providing care to patients. This article will discuss the essential medical equipment requirements that clinics need to have.金喜彩票


金喜 / List of Clinic Medical Equipment Requirements :

Below are the standard medical equipment items that should be available in clinics to support patient healthcare services as outlined in the Minister of Health Regulation Number 14 of 2021 concerning the Standard of Business Activities and Products in the Implementation of Risk-Based Health Sector Business Licensing.


Blood Testing Device





Syringe or Injection Tool

Tongue Depressor

Handle and Nasopharyngeal Glass

Body Scale

Pulse Oximeter

Peak Flow Meter


Medical Flashlight (Penlight)

Urinalysis Cup

Tongue Depressor

Metline (Waist Circumference Measurer)

IV Pole

Hot Water Bag

Reflex Hammer

Clinic Application



List of General, Specialized, Supporting, and Emergency Medical Equipment Needs :


According to Minister of Health Regulation No. 75 of 2014 concerning Minimal Service Standards for Hospitals, the list of medical equipment needs can be divided into several categories:金喜


01.金喜 / General Medical Equipment:

General medical equipment includes tools used for the general examination and treatment of patients. Some examples of general medical equipment needed by clinics include:



Body Weight Scale



Medical Flashlight

Tongue Depressor



Sterile Gauze




Medical Gloves


02. 金喜 /Specialized Medical Equipment :

Specialized medical equipment refers to tools used for the examination and treatment of patients with specific medical conditions. Some examples of specialized medical equipment include:

Ultrasound Equipment

EKG Machine

X-ray Machine

CT Scanner

MRI Machine

Surgical Equipment

Anesthesia Equipment

Rehabilitation Equipmen


03. 金喜 /Supporting Medical Equipment :

Supporting medical equipment comprises tools used to support healthcare services in clinics. 

Some examples of supporting medical equipment needed by clinics include:



Hearing Aids

Vision Aids

Walking Aids

Eating Aids

Bathing Aids


04. .金喜 / Emergency Medical Equipment :.

Emergency medical equipment includes tools used to handle emergency medical conditions. Some examples of emergency medical equipment include:

Oxygen Tanks

Oxygen Masks


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Equipment

Emergency Medications


The medical equipment needs of clinics may vary depending on the type and level of services provided by the clinic. Clinics offering general services will require simpler medical equipment, while those o